Friday, May 07, 2010

Rodney Ashcraft meetings

Rodney Ashcraft is an Edgefield County Council Member.  He is running for re-election this year.  The primary election is June 8.  The following meetings will be held at the Mount Vintage Town Center.

I have included a list of meetings that are being held regarding my campaign and would like to invite anyone who has not yet been contacted to attend any of these meetings.  I would also encourage anyone to contact those who do not have email accounts so that they will be able to attend.  We will be accepting questions and donations.
May 12    6:30pm    Town Center
May 16    4:00pm    Town Center
May 19    7:00pm    Town Center
May 24    6:30pm    Town Center
Thank you,
Rodney Ashcraft

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Report on Homeowners Meeting

A meeting of Mount Vintage homeowners was held at the North Augusta Community Center last night. Talmadge Knight announced that he now personally owns all the unsold lots at Mount Vintage, and that he will be the sole developer going forward. He called it a "New Beginning for Mount Vintage". Charles Blackston will be the general manager at Mount Vintage and will be organizing a marketing plan for selling real estate in the next thirty days. The Shaw Estates and the equestrian center (including the riding trails) are for sale as a package. They hope that a buyer (who would cooperate with Mr. Knight) is almost ready to announce a deal. The golf course is in default and it is expected that the bank will take over shortly. A homeowners group is studying the feasibility of buying the golf course. It's unclear who else might be interested in acquiring the golf course. Mr. Knight explained that it was in his interest to maintain and improve the golf course in order to promote real estate sales, but he personally did not want to purchase it at this time. The Town Center is expected to be in default by the end of June. A buyer for the golf course could perhaps acquire that property as well. According to Mr. Knight, the Homeowners Association is financially sound. We can expect the directorship of the Homeowners Association to change sometime in the near future as the new management takes control, but there are various details to work out. My impression is that there are still financial and legal issues that need to be resolved among the former owners, but it's fairly certain that Mr. Knight will be firmly in charge when the dust settles. The audience seemed to be very supportive of Mr. Knight's efforts. I would say that the general atmosphere was positive, but there are serious questions about the future of the golf course, which is a major concern for property owners.

Steve Miner

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Mac Vintage on Wednesday

The "Mac Vintage" Macintosh users group will meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 5, in the Town Center. For more information, see our web page here: